December 2021

08 Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

08 Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

Identifying the factors influencing customer satisfaction is highly important for businesses. No matter what their internal goals and objectives are, the success of any business relies on the level of customer satisfaction it can create for the target market. Since the final purchasing decision is mainly depending on the level of satisfaction the customer is …

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B2B Marketing: Meaning, 06 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

B2B Marketing: Meaning, 06 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

Business-to-business marketing, in other words, B2B marketing is one of the main buzzwords in the modern growing business world. B2B marketing is the process of selling a certain product manufactured by one party to another party for selling purposes. It can happen in the service industry as well when a service-providing business provides its services …

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Derivatives: Meaning and 04 Types of Derivatives in Investment Market

Derivatives: Meaning and 04 Types of Derivatives in Investment Market

Derivatives are one of the most popular types of investments in the modern investment market. There are many financial instruments in the modern investment market such as mutual funds, treasury bills, treasury bonds, and various types of deposits. A derivative can be identified as a contract between two or more parties whose value is decided …

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Pacesetting Leadership: Meaning, 06 Advantages, and Disadvantages

Pacesetting Leadership: Meaning, 06 Advantages, and Disadvantages

Pacesetting leadership is one of the many leadership styles available in the modern business world. Just like other leadership styles such as transformational and transactional leadership, the pacesetting leadership style has its own unique characteristics. Pacesetting leadership is a type of leadership that can be seen when a leader leads the team from the front. …

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08 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

08 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutual Funds

Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds allows the investors to make informed investment decisions. Mutual funds provide an opportunity for individual or small-scale investors to access a diversified portfolio. Due to this reason, mutual funds are considered one of the most popular investment vehicles in the current investment market. However, just as with …

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Индекс страха и жадности на рынке криптовалют: Ваш универсальный гид

Но в любой ли ситуации будет полезен индекс страха и жадности? Точка 1 показывает значение от 26 апреля 2021 года, когда было достигнуто низшее значение колебаний индекса с 73 (жадность) до 27 (страх). Точка 2 показывает всплеск колебания от 12 мая 2021 года с 68 (жадность) до 26 (страх). Проверить, соответствует ли это реальному положению …

Индекс страха и жадности на рынке криптовалют: Ваш универсальный гид Read More »

Фондовые индексы бирж 2024 Минфин

Преобладание одного или другого настроения на рынке вызваны множеством факторов. Как пример, всем известное выражение FOMO, означающее “страх упущенной выгоды”, возникает при серьезных пампах альткоинов или же активном росте биткоина. И игроки на рынке начинают совершать необдуманные сделки, пытаясь запрыгнуть в последний вагон. То есть при аналогичных ситуациях в будущем мы можем предположить, как себя …

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04 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior

04 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior

There are many factors influencing consumer behavior that have been identified. Consumer behavior has a direct impact on the success or the failure of a product. It is highly important for the business to identify the factors influencing consumer behavior before launching its marketing plan. Identifying the factors influencing consumer behavior helps the business to …

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