January 2022

Competitor Analysis – 08 Steps Guide to Analyze Your Competitor

Competitor Analysis - 08 Steps Guide to Analyze Your Competitor

Competitor analysis is one of the most important parts of the marketing plan of any business. When entering a market, it is majorly important to know about the competitors who provide the same type of products to the same market segment.  Competitor analysis provides an insight about the products they are selling pricing techniques, their …

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03 Main Types of Knowledge: Explicit, Implicit, and Tacit Knowledge

03 Main Types of Knowledge: Explicit, Implicit, and Tacit Knowledge

Understanding the types of knowledge is important for any type of business when forming a knowledge management strategy.  Different types of knowledge cater to different purposes of business organizations and help the business to grow and achieve its goals and objectives. Even though gaining and sharing knowledge was a business practice from long ago, the …

03 Main Types of Knowledge: Explicit, Implicit, and Tacit Knowledge Read More »

07 Key Responsibilities of a Production Manager

07 Main Responsibilities of a Production Manager

A production manager is a person who is in charge of the process of planning to coordinate and control the manufacturing process of a business. From production and quality assurance to deliver the products on time comes under the managing scope of the product manager. Below listed are the eight main responsibilities that are assigned …

07 Key Responsibilities of a Production Manager Read More »

Mass Production: Meaning, 10 Main Advantages and Disadvantages

Mass Production: Meaning, 10 Main Advantages and Disadvantages

Mass production is the process of manufacturing goods in large quantities. These products are usually standardized products that are made using assembly lines or automation technology. Mass production is considered the most efficient production type to manufacture a large number of similar products. Generally, mass production involves several assembly lines and various people are involved …

Mass Production: Meaning, 10 Main Advantages and Disadvantages Read More »

Procurement Management Plan: Meaning and 06 Main Components

Procurement Management Plan: Meaning and 06 Main Components

The procurement management plan can be considered as a part of the project management plan. The procurement management plan is the plan that is necessary to purchase or acquire the products or services that are necessary during the project and how the business is planning to acquire the necessary products and services. A procurement management …

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Mass Customization: Meaning, 10 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

Mass Customization: Meaning, 10 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

Mass customization is identified as the process of delivering customized goods and services to the market with the intention of satisfying a specific customer’s needs. This is a modern business concept that is also known as made-to-order or built-to-order. It is a technique used by marketing and manufacturing departments of many mass production organizations that …

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Закон о компаниях Кипра, Гл 113 с поправками от 2023 года актуализация: 26.01.2024

Добровольное прекращение деятельности считается начавшимся после принятия решения. Также существует право принудительного выкупа акций (принудительная продажа акций миноритарных акционеров акционерного общества, за которую они получают справедливую денежную компенсацию) для листинговых компаний. В частности, механизм принудительного выкупа может применяться, если компании, зарегистрированные на Кипре, имеют ценные бумаги, допущенные к торгам на регулируемом рынке Кипра, или не …

Закон о компаниях Кипра, Гл 113 с поправками от 2023 года актуализация: 26.01.2024 Read More »

Документы, подтверждающие регистрацию по месту жительства: перечень, особенности получения

Данный документ оформляется в правлении путем выписки из реестра собственников помещений многоквартирного дома с соответствующими уточнениями. Если вы не знаете, где взять справку с места жительства ребенка, учтите, что до 14-летнего возраста место проживания ребенка автоматически то же самое, что и у его родителей. Заверяется справка с места жительства подписью руководителя выдавшей ее организации, паспортистом …

Документы, подтверждающие регистрацию по месту жительства: перечень, особенности получения Read More »