September 2021

Product Differentiation

Product Differentiation

What is Product Differentiation? Product differentiation is a marketing strategy that is designed to separately identify a specific business’s products or services from the competitive products or services. A well-implemented product differentiation involves the identification and communication of the unique qualities of a product, service, or brand while highlighting the differences between the product and …

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Promotional Mix: Meaning and 05 Elements in Promotional Mix

Promotional Mix: Meaning and 05 Elements in Promotional Mix

A promotional mix is a set of promotional variables selected by the marketers for a particular product when conducting promotional activities. Promotional mix has been identified as a subset of the marketing mix in the marketing plan. This is considered as a set of marketing approaches used by marketers of a product to reach a …

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What is Sustainable Development?

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is one of the most common topics in the modern business world. Since globalization and modernization concepts are taking over the business world, the world is getting more and more concerned about the sustainability concept. Sustainable development is a concept that is followed by many business organizations in order to achieve business growth …

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Organizational Structure: 04 Types of Organizational Structures in Business

Organizational Structure: 04 Types of Organizational Structures in Business

What is an Organizational Structure? Organizational structure can be identified as a system that summarizes how particular activities in the business organization are directed in order to achieve the identified goals and objectives. These outlines activities include job roles and responsibilities as well as the rules set by the management of the organization. The organizational …

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Addiction: Definition, Symptoms, Traits, Causes, Treatment

Even after you’ve completed initial treatment, ongoing treatment and support can help prevent a relapse. Follow-up care can include periodic appointments with your counselor, continuing in a self-help program or attending a regular group session. The best plans are comprehensive, as addiction often affects many areas of life. Coping With a Substance Use Disorder Alcohol …

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Substance Use Disorder Drug Abuse: Risks, Types of Drugs & More

When an opioid overdose is suspected, naloxone hydrochloride should be administered as soon as possible. Naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray is currently available both over-the-counter and by prescription, under different brand names. Prescription options include Kloxxado (8 mg/spray), Rextovy (4 mg/spray), and Rezenopy (10 mg/spray). Narcan (4 mg/spray) and ReVive (3 mg/spray) are brand names available OTC. Addiction treatment …

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McKinsey 7S Framework for Business Sucess

McKinsey 7S Framework

McKinsey 7S framework is a model used in the change management context. It is a framework that helps to identify organizational effectiveness. It assumes that there are seven internal factors that any organization needs to be aligned and reinforced if they are planning to become successful in the business industry. McKinsey 7S framework highlights seven …

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Emotional Intelligence (EI) in business: 05 Main Components of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) in business: 05 Main Components of Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the ability of a  person to identify, understand, use and manage his own emotions in a positive and advantageous manner to relieve stress, empathize with others, maintain effective communication and overcome challenges positively. Due to the complexity of business activities in the modern business world, the employees have …

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